Preparing For Your Session
So You Have Decided That You Wish To Experience A Tantra Session. A tantric massage, or a scared spot massage, lingham or yoni massage. Maybe a healing session. What ever you choose, make sure of your desires before arranging an appointment.
What should you do to prepare before your visit.
Do Your Research
Read, read, read!! There are may providers of erotic education. Each one offers something a little different . Know what you want before you commit. Talk to the practitioner. Get a feel for their knowledge in the subject. Read their website thoroughly if they offer one. Do they appear to ‘know their stuff’?
Know Your Intentions/Boundaries
What is it you are hoping to experience during your session? Take some time to figure this out. Are you needing healing? Are you wishing to overcome some concern you have? Are you just wanting to venture into erotic bliss?
Know what you are comfortable with allowing your practitioner to do? Maybe you don’t like having your feet touched because they are ticklish. Maybe you are not ready for internal work?
An important distinction to make is between goals and intentions. Goals are outcomes. “I want to have the best orgasm of my life!” That’s a beautiful desire, but it’s a goal. Setting goals for your session is counter-productive. A skilled practitioner will redirect you from goals: one of the most important techniques in tantra and other conscious-touch experiences is coming into the present moment and letting go of outcomes entirely. I always tell a newcomer: “Orgasms are never the point. They are beautiful when and if they happen, but it’s not what we are striving to achieve.” Instead, a comparable intention would be: “to stay present with pleasure and be open to new discoveries within my body.”-Mathias Rose
Make Your Appointment
You’ve done the research, you’ve chosen whom you wish to gain knowledge from and now you are ready. Does the practitioner use a contact form? If so, utilize it. It will generally have some questions that help the practitioner determine what session you might be desiring. Try to schedule a couple days or weeks out. Same day appointments are not a great idea. Both you and your practitioner should prepare mentally and physically before meeting.
Make sure you stay hydrated the day before and the day of your appointment. Try to keep your stress levels at bay. Take a few minutes to work out the logistics. How long will it take to get there? Will I be commuting in rush hour traffic?
The Day Of Your Appointment
Stay Present
A lot of educators will start the session with a short chat reiterating your desires and boundaries. Then you might move into a guided meditation. Stay present and focused. This is not the time to go over your grocery list in your head or think about getting ‘Joey” to practice in time. Listen to your body. Silence the chatter in your mind. This is your time. Make the most of it.
Don’t Forget to Breathe
Breath is very important in transforming our experiences from the pleasure of sensual touch to a deeper experience that is possible through tantric and other conscious touch. Your practitioner should go over different breath work styles with you depending on your level of knowledge In the tantric arts.
Listen to Your Practitioner
You are investing your time and energy into your practitioner. Listen to what guidance he/she offers before your session, during your session and *afterwards as well.
*You might be in an altered state of bliss after your session. If this is the case, ask your provider to send you the guidance or information later
If you follow these guidelines or even just a few of them, your session should be a blissful experience.